
Science Fair 2017

In our science fair, we did a prototype of the respiratory and circulatory systems. It was useful because in the next bimester we worked with those systems, so it was helpful. Our purpose was to show kids how the systems worked. We thought that if they knew how they worked they would learn how to take care of them and prevent diseases. Our hypothesis was: If we make experiments that represent the respiratory and circulatory systems, then students will know how they work and how to prevent some diseases because we will show it physically.

First, we searched for ideas for the project. When we found one we learned the materials and each person brought what was assigned. After that, we followed the steps and built our prototype. Next , we filled a paper that our teacher gave us. Finally, we presented to all our classmates.

Some problems we faced were that some people forgot to bring materials, we got a difficult theme, etc. I would change my behavior because sometimes I just played and sometimes forgot important materials. Y used my inquirer abilities to search ideas for the project, I was open minded too because I heard other’s opinions. I learned to be risk taker because I didn’t know much about our theme. I became reflexive because I admitted and learned from my mistakes.

Some other difficulties we faced were that it was hard for us to find an experiment. Some weren’t from biology, some were already taken, some were too hard, etc. We didn't get the topic we wanted so that disappointed us a little but we ended up with a good experiment. In the paper, we had problems too. We didn't know how to answer some questions.

We organized to present in the following way. We put a little letter on each slide of the power point. If it was your initial letter then it was your turn. Because of that, it was easy for us to organize. We finished our presentation successfully and we felt good about ourselves. I think it was a good experience.

In this activity, I learned a lot, I learned to take some risks, I learned about respiratory and circulatory systems. I also did good teamwork. I worked really good all along. I am really satisfied. I can’t wait till next science fair.

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